Muscle Tech Hydroxystim

Muscle Tech Hydroxystim

Brand: Muscle Tech
Product Code: Notice: Undefined variable: model in /home/dynamicfly/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-catalog_view_theme_lexus_store_template_product_product.tpl on line 105
Availability: Out Of Stock
Rs.1,600 Rs.2,999
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Unstoppable Training Experience
Newly formulated with scientifically advanced compounds that include coleus extract and L-theanine, new 2nd generation HydroxyStim, is an extreme thermogenic that'll bring an added edge to your workouts. This hard-hitting pre-workout thermo-stimulant is designed to help you push your performance to the next level, with key ingredients for enhanced energy, improved focus, off-the-wall intensity, and a dynamic drive that'll have you hitting every rep at your hardest.

Increased Thermogenesis and Long-Lasting Focus
Contains a powerful dose of caffeine and a dose of L-theanine in each full serving. This unique combination has been shown to improve focus in subjects up to 90 minutes after ingestion.1 Caffeine has also been shown to jack up energy for extreme training intensity.2

Enhanced Energy
Meticulously dosed and carefully formulated, HydroxyStim delivers a surge of energy to give you a powerful boost for enhanced workout performance.

Extreme Sensory Experience
HydroxyStim has been reformulated with a 250mg dose of coleus extract in each full serving, to enhance the sensory experience, which is a powerful compound that has been seen on a popular doctor TV show.

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