Sixpack Nutrition Max Muscle 2 kg

Sixpack Nutrition Max Muscle 2 kg

Brand: Sixpack Nutrition
Product Code: Notice: Undefined variable: model in /home/dynamicfly/public_html/vqmod/vqcache/vq2-catalog_view_theme_lexus_store_template_product_product.tpl on line 105
Availability: Out Of Stock
Rs.2,200 Rs.2,750
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Max Muscle is a state-of-the-art formula which provides excellent muscle recovery and growth. It is packed with a specially selected combination of slow and fast absorbing carbs to ensure it meets the body's need for both immediate and sustained energy release. It delivers 25gms of superior quality protein (per 100gm) along with creatine and glutamine for quick muscle recovery.

It can serve as a pre workout drink for sustained energy release or as a post workout drink for replenishing muscle glycogen and muscle recovery. A high performance protein blend of whey and casein results in an extended release protein matrix that continues to release amino acids for up to 6 hrs. Max Muscle is also fortified with calcium which ensures a strong framework for big muscles.

Manufactured in Company Owned and FSSAI Licensed Facility. In Technical Collaboration with innoWHEYte Nutrition, LLC, NJ, USA. 


Nutritional Facts

Amount Per 60 gm Per 100g*
Energy 240 kcal 400 kcal
Protein 15 gm 25 gm
Total Carbohydrates 42 gm 70 gm
  of which dextrose 12 gm 20 gm
Total Fat 1.4 gm 2.3 gm
Saturated Fat 0.9 gm 1.5 gm
Trans Fat 0.0 gm < 0.1 gm
Cholesterol 0.00 gm < 0.1 gm
Creatine 150 mg 250 mg
L Glutamine 150 mg 250 mg
Calcium 84 mg 140 mg

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